Reflection Blog #1

What did i learn today? 

I learned many things about the history of philosophy. I always thought that philosophy was boring but I can see now that I am truly wrong. I was intrigued by the fact that ancient philosophers used only the human reasoning to ask important questions about the nature of reality. I learned that the statement of the philosophers may not be exactly right but it gives the idea that can be linked into today's knowledge. As Thales of Miletus said that everything is composed of water, it may not be right but it shows the idea of reductionism. These philosophers may sound weird but you think deep into it, you'll understand. I also learned why philosophy started in Ancient Greece, its because of the Greek's fertile imagination, awareness of change, and their no priestly class or censors. I learned the meaning of the word dichotomy, which means presenting two opposed and different things. Sophists the skilled politicians who went on city by city charging admission for their knowledge, all of them focusing on one thing, human beings. Saying that man is the measure, everything is relative to human subjectivity, traditional morality is just for the weak and being simple is just for the feeble, what matters is power not justice. Although, there is still some few positivity in sophism, all of them are skilled politicians, the reports on them were based on the reports of their enemies, and the most important of all they made not only the cosmos but the human being as the object of interest.

How is it applicable to my daily life?

Thinking critically like the philosophers will get you far away in life. We can't just take up the information we will receive. We should double check if the information is really true and not false. We can also apply some of the sophism today, like Georgias said, we can prove anything if he can prove those absurdities that he "proved" in his book. Philosophy as we all know is the love of wisdom, if we love wisdom we should grow in wisdom so that we can apply it in our daily life. Thinking creatively like the philosophers will give you more choices to make and bigger mind to share. Not being satisfied by what you get, always achieve for something greater just like they did. 
Lastly, philosophy improves our reasoning and approach problems with different point of view.


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